Greetings from the Population Association of Pakistan (PAP)

Dear All,

Greetings from the Population Association of Pakistan (PAP)

The Population Association of Pakistan is convening its 24th Annual Population Research Conference “Healthy Families and Communities in a Changing Society – The Role of Family Planning” in collaboration with Forman Christian College University (FCCU), Lahore on 21st and 22nd November 2023. The Conference will be organized using a hybrid approach, with on-site and virtual participation.

The primary objective of the 24th Annual Population Research Conference is to bring policy makers, donors, practitioners, researchers, and youth to a common platform to discuss population problems, challenges, and potential solutions for translating the National and Provincial Narratives on Population into actionable solutions to realize the role of family planning in population development, in the context of a changing socio-cultural context.

Please find attached “Call for Abstracts” poster and flyer for your information and widely spread among the relevant community.

If the hyperlink does not work, you can copy and paste this URL in your browser to access the form, for submission of your Abstract (400 Words max).